Green Habitat Initiative is Excited to Kick off a New Project: Radio-Climate Technology for Agriculture Resilience (RANETA)


Green Habitat Initiative (GHI), dedicated to advancing sustainable development in Nigeria, is excited to announce the kick-off of our newest project, Radio Internet System to support climate-smart agriculture in technical assistance titled RANETA (Radio and Internet for Climate Smart Agriculture) in Kebbi State, Northwest Nigeria.

RANETA is a unique exploitation of the Radio and Internet to afford rural communities the opportunity to leverage technology and radio, which has widespread use in rural communities to build the resilience of smallholder agricultural practitioners, promote wider use of agrometeorological services to improve data availability, climate forecasting, early warning, adaptation planning, and decision making in the agricultural sector.

Through RANETA, we aspire to address the pressing challenges faced by farming communities in adapting to climate change and variability by improving access to timely weather forecasts and agroclimatic advisories that will enhance the resilience and productivity of smallholder farmers.

With support from CTCN and in partnership with the Nigerian Meteorological Agency and The National Council on Climate Change, GHI is ready to empower agricultural communities with innovative climate-smart solutions. In the medium and long term, this project aims to reduce climate risks in agricultural production, thereby improving food supply and livelihood security.

As we embark on this transformative journey, we extend our gratitude to all our partners, donors, and supporters who make initiatives like RANETA possible. Together, we can create lasting change and build a brighter future for generations to come.

Stay tuned for updates on the progress and impact of RANETA as we work towards our shared vision of a more resilient and prosperous Nigeria.